
Letters to Santa

Chairman announces, it is once again time to get geared up for the 2024-2025 Dave Ferguson Scholarship Award Contest...” HOME IS WHERE THE HABITAT IS”. If you, your child or grandchild is a resident of Marion County Arkansas, Sophomore, Junior or Senior, with a grade point average of at least 2.5 and intend to follow a conservation related major at an Arkansas college or university, The Crooked Creek Conservation District and AACD would like to give you a chance to win $500.00 to $2000.00.
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AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING RATES FOR SERVICES RENDERED BY THE WATER AND SEWER SYSTEM OF THE CITY OF FLIPPIN, ARKANSAS; AND PRESCRIBING OTHER MATTERS RELATING THERETO. WHEREAS, the City of Flippin, Arkansas (the “City”) owns and operates a water and sewer system (the “System”); and WHEREAS, the State of Arkansas passed Act 605 of 2021 and rules implementing the Act requiring all public operators of water and/ or sewer systems to perform rate studies for water and sewer rates to ensure that all providers meet certain requirements and remain fiscally responsible; and, WHEREAS, the City engaged Civil Engineering Associates, LLC (the “Qualified Rate Analyst”), to conduct a rate study pursuant to Act 605 of 2021, as amended (“Act 605”); and WHEREAS, the purpose of this Ordinance is to implement the rates recommended by the Qualified Rate Analyst in its 2024 Water & Sewer Rate Study dated May 2024 (the “Rate Study”), which was presented to the City Council on September 17, 2024; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of Flippin, Arkansas: Section 1.

Notice to the Public

Notice is hereby given that the City of Flippin is making application to Arkansas Department of Agriculture – Natural Resources Division for funds to make improvements to the water system that will include the replacement of a portion of the water distribution system and the construction of a new elevated water storage tank.
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