
Flippin School District

This institution is an equal opportunity provider, Menu is Subject to Change Monday: Labor Day; No School Tuesday: Breakfast: Breakfast Pizza or Cereal and Toast, Fruit Juice and Milk Lunch: Cheeseburger. French Fries, Lettuce-Tomato-Pickle, Mixed Berry Cup, Fruit Choice 9-12 Milk Wednesday: Yogurt and Graham Crackers or Cereal and Toast, Fruit Juice and Milk Lunch: Baked Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans, Apple, Fruit Choice 9-12 Milk Thursday: Breakfast: Mini Cinni or Cereal and Toast, Fruit Juice and Milk Lunch: Nachos, Lettuce and Tomato, Refried Beans Tropical Fruit, Graham Crackers, Fruit Choice 9-12 Milk Friday: Breakfast: Biscuit with Gravy or Cereal and Toast.
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Yellville-Summit Panthers School Menu

Meal Prices: Breakfast; Adult $2.00, Milk $.40, Juice $.40 In the Operation of child feeding programs, no child will be discriminated against because of race, color, national region, age or disability. Monday: No school Tuesday: Breakfast: Bacon & Egg Squares, Fresh Fruit, Variety Juice & Milk Lunch: Chicken Strips, Macaroni and Cheese, Steamed Carrots, Rosey applesauce, Variety - Milk Ketchup Wednesday: Breakfast: French Toast Sticks, Applesauce, Variety Juice & Milk Lunch: Chicken Fajitas, Refried Beans, Tossed Salad, Salsa, Tropical Fruit, Variety – Milk Thursday: Breakfast: Muffin, Yogurt, Banana Slices, Variety Juice & Milk Lunch: Orange Chicken, Oriental Vegetables, Tossed Salad, Rice, Mixed Fruit, Variety – Milk Friday: Breakfast; Buttermilk Biscuit, Gravy, Apple Wedges, Variety Juice & Milk Lunch: Corn Dog, French Fries, Coleslaw, Fresh Fruit, Variety - Milk Ketchup .
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Weekend Weather

Friday Hi 91 Low 69 Slight chance of rain Saturday Hi 91 Low 71 10% chance of rain Sunday Hi 89 Low 72 45% chance of rain Fair Chances of rain through middle of the week. .
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Be Alert to Snake Bites

Here, in our rural Arkansas community, snakes can be lurking almost anywhere. Of primary concern are rattlesnakes and copperheads. If your dog enjoys walks in the woods or poking his nose in the woodpile, and what dog does not, he could be in for a nasty surprise.
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Distribution Problems

By Robert Lyons, Editor The Mountaineer Echo is currently experiencing issues with customers receiving papers delivered by the U.S. Postal Service. These problems are being… Login to continue reading Login…

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