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public and charter schools prohibit students from using cell phones and personal electronic devices during the school day. There are exceptions, including emergency situations, and schools will be required to create policies in compliance with the guidelines set by the bill. These include allowing for the use of phones for special events, medical reasons, or for students accessing college coursework through twofactor authentication.
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In a life of living.

We sometime forget we have more sunshine than rain, We only have snow and ice once a year and not every year, We have more laughs than tears, We have more health than sickness, A 19th century philosopher writes, “Sunshine is delicious, rain is refreshing, wind braces us up, snow is exhilarating; there is really no such thing as bad weather, only different kinds of good weather.
Read MoreIn a life of living.

Come Worship with Us, Attend the church of your choice:

Presbyterian Churches: First Presbyterian Church, 2250 Hwy 62-/412E., Sun., Fellowship 9:15am, Worship Service 10:30am, Yellville, 870-449-6242 Presbyterian Church, E. Broadway, Bull Shoals, 870-445-4622 Pentecostal Churches: Summit Pentecostal Church of God, 223 Hwy 202 W. Summit, Rev. Ronnie D. Harris, Pastor, 870-404-7566 United Pentecostal Church of God, Hwy. 14 S.
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