
BC Tops West Plains

The Big Creek Golf & Country Club Cup team defeated the West Plains Country Club this weekend by a score of 16 1/2 to 15 1/2 to successfully win the MoArk Cup for the third straight year. The Saturday Better-Ball and Alternate-Shot matches were played at West Plains with the home team winning the morning matches 5 1/2 to 2 1/2. The afternoon matches were tied at 4-4. The score after day one was West Plains 9 1/2 to Big Creek’s 6 1/2
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State trap-shooting championship this weekend

LITTLE ROCK – When the top 64 teams from the senior division of the Arkansas Youth Shooting Sports Program meet at the Arkansas Game and Fish Foundation Jacksonville Shooting Sports Complex on June 4, those bearing the names Beebe, Fouke, Jacksonville and God’s Great Outdoors of Farmington will be carrying the top seeds going into their respective competition brackets. Junior teams will shoot June 3 with Magnolia, Corning, Southside and Alma squads filling the top seeds in their competition.
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Big Creek to host 2022 Arkansas Junior Amateur Championship

The Arkansas State Golf Association (ASGA) is excited to announce that Big Creek Golf & Country Club will be the host of the 2022 Arkansas Junior Amateur Championship and U.S. Boys & Girls Junior Amateur Qualifier. We as a staff couldn’t be more excited to showcase one of the top-tier clubs within the state to over 150 junior golfers within the state of Arkansas and south-central region of the country.
Read MoreBig Creek to host 2022 Arkansas Junior Amateur Championship

UAFS, The Bakery District Partner to Bring Fine Art to the Community

A collaboration between The University of Arkansas – Fort Smith and The Bakery District will introduce a new arts venue to the heart of downtown Fort Smith this June. The District Art Galleries by UAFS will bring fine art to unconventional exhibition spaces at The Bakery, building a forum for community engagement with the arts as part of an ongoing partnership between The Bakery, the UAFS Gallery of Art & Design, and the UAFS Department of Art & Design.
Read MoreUAFS, The Bakery District Partner to Bring Fine Art to the Community

BC retains CC Cup

Big Creek Golf & Country Club’s 2022 Cup Team hung on by a single point for a thrilling 15-14, threepeat victory in the Ozark Cup matches against Harrison Country Club this weekend. Saturday’s best-ball and alternate-shot matches were in Mountain Home with Big Creek winning the best ball by 4 1/2 to 2 1/2 and winning alternate shot by the identical score.
Read MoreBC retains CC Cup