
Flags to Half-Staff

LITTLE ROCK – Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders orders all flags to be flown at Half-Staff to mourn the lives lost in the tornadoes during the early morning of May 26. The communities of Marion, Baxter, Benton and Boone Counties suffered significant damage to homes, businesses and property.
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Capitol Week in Review

Four election laws passed by the legislature in 2021 will continue to be enforced, thanks to an Arkansas Supreme Court ruling that upholds their constitutionality. The four laws were immediately challenged after the 2021 regular session, during which the legislature enacted a long series of election integrity laws.
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Capitol Week in Review

LITTLE ROCK – Limiting children’s access to social media is still a priority for Arkansas policy makers. Last week, the governor sent a letter to the governors of all 50 states, and to all Arkansas legislators, urging them to continue working for meaningful restrictions on children’s use of social media platforms.
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State Capitol Week in Review

LITTLE ROCK – The state Education Department has written new rules for troubled schools to enter “transformation contracts” with outside entities, such as charter school operators. The Department will accept public comments until May 15 on the eight pages of proposed rules.
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Letters to the Editors

I read with great amusement the recent letter to the editor from Phil Freise. Phil is upset with all the graft, collusion, criminality, theft, conspiracies and downright bad manners he imputes to certain city officials in Bull Shoals.
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Letters to the Editor

This is in response to the letter written by Bull Shoals City Councilman Dino Gianini that was published in the March 21, edition of the Mountain Echo. Anybody who knows Councilman Giannini certainly recognizes that he did not author the letter as he is not that literate.
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Peter Rabbit Party

This month we got together to celebrate Easter with “A Tale of Peter Rabbit” Party! The room was decorated as Mr. McGregor’s garden, and he would be mad with all the rabbits that showed up! We had a book reading, trivia questions, played group games like “pass the bunny tail”, “jellybean race”, and more.
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Public Announcement:

The special meeting is scheduled to be held Thursday, March 28, 2024, at 6 p.m., in the Yellville Annex Courthouse. The purpose of this convention is to elect delegates from our County Committee to the Special District Convention where Delegates and Alternates to the National Convention will be elected.
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