
2022 Offers New Opportunities to Make Bipartisan Progress

Congress ended 2021 by strengthening national security and improving resources to our servicemembers and their families with passage of the bipartisan Fiscal Year 2022 National Defense Authorization Act, which will allow us to be better prepared for threats from our adversaries and protect our interests at home and abroad. The bipartisan support for this bill was a big accomplishment considering Congress spent much of the year debating the partisan agenda driven by the president and his allies in Congress. It’s time to leave that agenda behind and instead advance policies where consensus is possible, and members of both parties are invited to participate. I’ve introduced and championed legislation that gives us a good starting point.
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Arkansas W.I.N.S.

Today I’d like to talk about how Arkansas has grown stronger over the last year and my plan for continuing that growth into the future. Thanks to the people of Arkansas, we have made this state one of the premier locations for business owners to put their roots down and conduct business that gives well-paying jobs to hard-working Arkansans and puts more money into our state.
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Overcoming a Year of Challenges

As we close out another tough year, I’d like to praise the 3 million people who call Arkansas home. Arkansans always are the first to arrive, they give all they have, and they don’t leave until the job is done. During this last year, Arkansas has had its share of challenges, and we have faced each one with determination and compassion.
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New Year’s Resolutions

Here’s a fun fact I just read it in new book called The Blue Zones Challenge by Dan Buettner. Most New Year’s Resolutions last for 4-6 weeks. Then people go back to their old habits. So, there are two ways to approach this problem. You can do what the experts who follow the people who live the longest suggest and make meaningful changes in sustainable ways, like changing your environment, support group, etc. so that your every move becomes measurably better.
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Be the “glue” in 2022 . . .

The simple task of unpacking Christmas ornaments is like opening a time capsule. As we pick up each ornament a memory may be attached that takes us back in time or to loved ones and friends we love. Decorating the tree with these ornaments becomes a gift as we enjoy these memories. When my niece, Becca was little we began exchanging ornaments. I began giving her ornaments each year so that when she got married and had a home of her own, she would have some ornaments on her first Christmas tree. I’m going to try to begin the same tradition with my great-nieces and nephews. When I’m long gone, they will have ornaments for their trees from Aunt Pam and hopefully loving memories.
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My oldest son and I have recently been debating the proposition that science is dead. As a highly trained dermatologist that proposition is very troubling to him, and he strongly insists it is false. I point out to him that public policy in the United States, specifically the federal government’s response to covid, is unscientific. That policy was fashioned by the top medical officials in the country and enforced by the President.