
National Governors Association

As Governor, I’m a member of the National Governors Association, which was founded in 1908 to promote bipartisanship. In politics, we call that “reaching across the aisle.” I became chair of the National Governors Association last summer, and in that role, I have seen more clearly than ever that if we are going to overcome big challenges, we must set aside our differences to get things done.
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Powerful Plea

When we’re young we don’t realize how sacred life really is. We tend to think more about ourselves and what is more convenient for us. Years later, sometimes many years later we admit that OUR CHOICE regarding abortion was a mistake, not the innocent baby.
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Dear Editior, I would like to thank the linemen from Entergy for working around the clock in terrible weather to repair the storm damage and restore power to Marion County. -- Representative Jack Fortner .

Man versus Machine

I like machines. Occasionally, usually on the couch, I envision an idyllic future, like the one in The Jetsons, where a robot rolls over to me with a martini. In the timeless classic by Flight of the Concords, the song Robots, set in “the distant future, the year 2000”, it is Man vs. Robot. The song is so good I’m rooting for the robots! And who could forget Short Circuit, the 1986 film starring Steve Guttenberg alongside a delightful robot, Number 5? The picture also gave us the hit single Who’s Johnny, by El Debarge. Okay, fine. Most people forgot that film but I did not! #neverforget!
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Media literacy; an underrated superpower . . .

One thing we have learned or have had reinforced from this pandemic is our need for human contact. And the important role of technology in communicating with others. There’s a skill to communicating efficiently and properly using technology. Even a basic text can be misunderstood without the element of facial expression; hence the creation of emoticons to assist in getting a message across.
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