
Worry; the signature of caring . . .

My sister and I began our lives in Kansas City. We lived in a nice suburban neighborhood where the space between houses could be stepped off; heel-toe, heel-toe and everyone had a chain-link fence surrounding their back yard. This was the 1960’s when a kid’s bike was their favorite mode of transportation. A bicycle represented freedom as we pedaled and glided up and down streets with the wind rushing in our faces and nowhere to be until the streetlight came on at dusk.
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I have never done this before, always stopped short because I didn’t want to make waves or lose friends here in Marion County. It’s one thing to build the center but it has to have money to continue once it’s done and being used.

Gen Z in the digital age

As digital-first Gen Zers continue to encompass the future workforce, they are becoming increasingly eager to leverage virtual event tech’s broad reach to create communities with shared interests and values. Virtual and hybrid event platform, Hubilo, shares how these features help promote this social activism.
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AGFC and USFWS to evaluate deer disease in south Arkansas

Strong- In response to the recent detection of a deer with chronic wasting disease in Union County, the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and USDA APHIS Wildlife Services will conduct a sampling effort on Felsenthal National Wildlife Refuge during the next week to further understand the prevalence of the disease in south Arkansas.
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Powerful Plea

When we’re young we don’t realize how sacred life really is. We tend to think more about ourselves and what is more convenient for us. Years later, sometimes many years later we admit that OUR CHOICE regarding abortion was a mistake, not the innocent baby.
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