
Col. Wild Turkey

I never thought I would see wild turkey flocks in the Ozarks drop to the level I have witnessed this past winter. It is a serious situa- tion and state conservation departments from Oklaho- ma to Alabama and Georgia are placing restrictions on wild turkey hunting, changing things for the first time in decades, because they are concerned about what is happening to the wild turkey. Arkansas has done nothing and neither has Missouri. I don’t know whether Missouri’s Game Department is just too inept to know what to do or whether or not it is just a matter of trying to keep from losing money through lost revenue in turkey tag sales. I suspect the both.
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Spring into the Growing Season

Spring flowering bulbs and perennials are filling our landscapes with color. As your gardens come alive this spring, start making notes on needed improvements and provide some early season color and nectar for the pollinators. This will keep your landscape looking its best all season long and for years to come.
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State of Arkansas Prisons

Little Rock – The recidivism rate for Arkansas prison inmates is 46.1 percent, a rate which the head of state prisons called unacceptable. Prison officials appeared before a joint meeting of legislators to discuss estimates of growth in the state’s inmate population.
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The Black Bear Makes a Comeback

One hundred-fifty years before I took office, Arkansas was home to so many black bears that we were known as The Bear State, but by the early years of the last century, enthusiastic hunters had thinned the population to the point that the General Assembly outlawed bear hunting.
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Rutledge Announces Lawsuit Against Biden’s Face Mask Mandate on Public Transportation

Little Rock – Arkansas Attorney General Leslie Rutledge and a coalition of 20 states today filed a lawsuit against President Biden’s face mask mandate on planes, trains, buses and in their respective hubs. The complaint challenges the mask mandate issued on February 1, 2021, which requires any person traveling by plane, train or bus to wear a mask, on the grounds that it exceeds federal authority and is otherwise arbitrary, capricious, and contrary to law.
Read MoreRutledge Announces Lawsuit Against Biden’s Face Mask Mandate on Public Transportation


Recently, Ukraine has been arming their citizens with AK-47 rifles and plenty of ammo. Does armed militia ring any bells? At this time, Ukraine families are escaping death by traveling to Poland and other safe zones. The men then tell their wives and children that he must return to Ukraine to defend his country. Needless to say, many will not return.


This should make Americans ask the fundamental question: what is the difference between what a public non-profit utility company provides and what a private for-profit oil company provides? After all they both sell energy to all United States citizens.