
Arvest Charity Golf Tournament to Support Four Nonprofits

Arvest Bank is pleased to announce that four regional nonprofits were selected as beneficiaries of the 28 th Annual Charity Golf Tournament, set to take place August 24 at Big Creek Golf Course in Mountain Home. Each year, Arvest associates choose a local “Charity of the Year” from Baxter, Boone and Marion counties to receive proceeds from the golf tournament. This year, associates chose Into the Light and Baxter Day Service Center (both in Baxter County), Children’s Charity Ministry in Boone County and Yellville- Summit School District Backpack Program in Marion County. Last year, the tournament raised $18,000 for local charities. “Nonprofits play a vital role in building and strengthening our communities,” said Scott Copeland, president of Arvest Bank – North Arkansas. “Along with their dedicated volunteers, these organizations provide critical services that contribute to our economic well-being. The money raised during this golf tournament will go a long way to helping them continue that important work.” Registration for the two-person scramble is open through August 16. Sponsorships are also available. To register as a team or as a sponsor, visit arvest.com/charitygolf
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The Good Old Days

When you meet someone for the first time you will usually spend time getting to know them and that comes with questions. Where did you come from? Do you live here? Have you been here before? Where do you work? Do you have any kids? How many? Where are they? Who’s your mamma? Who’s your Daddy? So, if we are the one being interviewed when it comes to our past, we tend to embellish the best parts, perhaps to make a good first impression.
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State Capitol Week

Learns Act LITTLE ROCK – More than 3,000 families applied for Education Freedom Accounts during the first week of August, bringing the total number of applicants statewide to 15,365. The Internet portal for applications had been closed over the summer and reopened on July 29, when about 12,000 applications had been approved.
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Raises in MC

How would you feel if you had been denied a raise for 3 years in a row, even though your Administrative Board had approved said raise each year. Along with having an excellent review each year, your department has been running efficiently with low employee turnover and running well below budget. Keep in mind that you have the highest level of education achievable for your position, you have 18 years of Library experience, as well as 7 continuous years in your current position as Director.
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Letters to the Editor

Marion County Justice of the Peace elect Tommy Dean Johnson has called out the National Park Service & Buffalo National River Administration for violating his 1st Amendment rights. On July 28, Johnson was handing out information leaflets to inform campers and floaters of the legal limitations of NPS park rangers outside the river boundaries and the contact information needed to file a complaint if they were ‘treated with disrespect or in an unprofessional manner’ by park personnel and about the incident of the death of Jonathan Bolger at the hands of Ranger David Sullivan in 2017.
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Come Out So We Can Fine You!

Jeff Ramori killed a wild turkey last October in Crawford County not far from Steelville and checked it legally. He then cleaned it and froze it. Shortly afterward a young conservation agent showed up and knocked on his door and wanted Jeff to show him the turkey and take him to where he had killed it.
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The Baxter Health Auxiliary will be holding a 2-day Fundraiser. Anita’s Accessories Summer Sale, Monday, July 29, 7-5 and Tuesday, July 30, 7-3.
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