

So, January is many things, but I think the word most people use to describe it is “long”. Yes, technically it’s tied for the longest month of the year with others but I’d like to see any other month look hard and long into the cold, grey eyes of January and see who blinks first.

The opinion of sheep . . .

If you met or were introduced to yourself, perhaps a clone, would you like that person? Would they be a good influence on you? Social media has provided a microphone to all users to express an opinion on everything, 24 hours a day. Long gone are the days of the adage, “If you can’t say anything good, don’t say anything at all.” These days many brag about the fact they have no filter. I’m all for people being themselves, but if being yourself means harming others with word or deed; I’m out.
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Too Soon Old

My maternal grandparents, Bert, and Hilda McNew had a little farm out southeast of Houston, Mo, a few miles. I was born in their old farmhouse. They were wonderful people whom I dearly loved and still do. Scratching out a living with a few milk cows and chickens and a hog or two was a difficult thing in those days, so Grandma sold some eggs and milk and butter, tended a big garden, and canned and sewed a lot. Grandpa did a little work on the side when he could find it. One of the things he did for a while was pick up trash each Saturday morning from businesses along Main Street to haul to the city dump in his old faded red pickup.
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A Petrified Bass

My uncle Norten has been gone for several years now but I came across this story recently that I thought today’s readers might enjoy. It is almost 20 years old.
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