
Avoiding a Rail Strike

This week, it was announced that a tentative deal has been reached between union workers and Class I railroads, avoiding a threatened strike that would have halted the nation’s freight and passenger rail service. As Ranking Member of the House Transportation Committee’s Railroads, Pipelines, & Hazardous Materials Subcommittee, I was monitoring the situation and keenly aware of the significant and devastating effects a nationwide rail strike would have on industries in the First District and our country’s economy as a whole.
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The Supreme Court

I recently read an article titled “35% of Americans believe president should able to remove judges over decisions” from UPI (United Press International). In this “article” 1001 people was surveyed with 35% of the people believe that the President should have the right to remove Supreme Court Justices for “bad legal decisions”.
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Life is difficult enough without comparing our lives to anyone else’s existence and I wonder if social media is damaging the self-esteem of not only our young people, but people of all ages. After all, our self-esteem isn’t directly correlated with our age.


When the death of a young person occurs so close to home, in our own community; it’s often a wake-up call; particularly if it was due to bullying. When this occurs it is a sign that a community must do something more to stop bullying because what has been done in the past isn’t working well enough.

Capitol Discussion

In Arkansas, 554 lives were lost to suicide and over 100,000 adults had suicidal thoughts last year, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.
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Governor’s Address

Today I’d like to talk about a proposed federal rule dealing with construction contracts and my efforts to lead the 17 other governors who oppose this executive order. Earlier this year, President Biden signed an executive order which requires Project Labor Agreements for federal construction projects.
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First District

An integral part of the oversight and review process for future Farm Bills is getting direct input from producers, stakeholders, and consumers on how various programs are working for them. Hearing directly from farm country about what’s working and what’s not is the only way to ensure we craft a Farm Bill that meets the needs of rural America.
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