
Weekend Weather

Fall like temperatures Return Friday-Partly cloudy with a high near 66 degrees and a low of 38 decrees with a slight chance of rain. Saturday- Partly cloudy with a high of 62 degrees and a low near 36 degrees.
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Please be advised that the Marion County Transfer Station will have temporary hours due to staffing shortage until further notice. Temporary Hours 7 a.m.
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MC Police Beat Sep. 25 – Oct. 1

Arrested: Parker, Michelle Anne - 9/29/2023 4:31:00 p.m.; Charges: Failure to Appear Bond: $0.00 Brumley, Derrel Dewayne - 9/29/2023 3:37:00 p.m.; Charges: Driving on Suspended DL, leaving scene of accident, Driving while intoxicated, Refusal to submit Bond: $2,700.00 Bohannan, Jimmy L - 9/28/2023 8:54:00 p.m.; Charges: Failure to Appear-felony, Bond revocation Bond: $1,500.00 Guthier, Laura Anne - 9/27/2023 12:03:00 p.m.; Charges: Serving court ordered jail time, Failure to pay Concannon, Michael Patrick 9/27/2023 2:55:00 a.m.; Charges: Failure to Appear-misdemeanor, Failure to Appear Bond: $220.00, $1,410.00 Johnson, Shawn - 9/25/2023 7:58:00 p.m.; Charges: Homicide – Negligent/ as a result of operating a vehicle, watercraft, or AI, Possession of meth or cocaine LT 2GM, Possession of Drug Para-Felony, Reckless Driving, driving while intoxicated, Probation/Parole violation Bond: $100,000.00 Released: Ford, Michael Howard - Arrested: 9/30/2023 5:32:00 p.m.; Released: 10/1/2023 7:06:00 p.m.; Charges: Failure to appear, Failure to Pay
Read MoreMC Police Beat Sep. 25 – Oct. 1

Special meeting in Flippin

The Flippin City Council held a special meeting ahead of the regular meeting for the city Tuesday, September 19 to discuss the potential of purchasing the Farmers and Merchants vacant building located in Flippin. Attending the meeting was council members Jodi Howard, Margaret Ott, Lacy Bettencourt Tony Ford and Heith Hogan, mayor.
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