
Weekend Weather

Fall like temperatures Return Friday-Partly cloudy with a high near 66 degrees and a low of 38 decrees with a slight chance of rain. Saturday- Partly cloudy with a high of 62 degrees and a low near 36 degrees.
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Please be advised that the Marion County Transfer Station will have temporary hours due to staffing shortage until further notice. Temporary Hours 7 a.m.
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MC Police Beat Sep. 25 – Oct. 1

Arrested: Parker, Michelle Anne - 9/29/2023 4:31:00 p.m.; Charges: Failure to Appear Bond: $0.00 Brumley, Derrel Dewayne - 9/29/2023 3:37:00 p.m.; Charges: Driving on Suspended DL, leaving scene of accident, Driving while intoxicated, Refusal to submit Bond: $2,700.00 Bohannan, Jimmy L - 9/28/2023 8:54:00 p.m.; Charges: Failure to Appear-felony, Bond revocation Bond: $1,500.00 Guthier, Laura Anne - 9/27/2023 12:03:00 p.m.; Charges: Serving court ordered jail time, Failure to pay Concannon, Michael Patrick 9/27/2023 2:55:00 a.m.; Charges: Failure to Appear-misdemeanor, Failure to Appear Bond: $220.00, $1,410.00 Johnson, Shawn - 9/25/2023 7:58:00 p.m.; Charges: Homicide – Negligent/ as a result of operating a vehicle, watercraft, or AI, Possession of meth or cocaine LT 2GM, Possession of Drug Para-Felony, Reckless Driving, driving while intoxicated, Probation/Parole violation Bond: $100,000.00 Released: Ford, Michael Howard - Arrested: 9/30/2023 5:32:00 p.m.; Released: 10/1/2023 7:06:00 p.m.; Charges: Failure to appear, Failure to Pay
Read MoreMC Police Beat Sep. 25 – Oct. 1

September Events at the Fred Berry Crooked Creek Conservation Center

October 11 - Conservation Appreciation Day- Come by the center from 9-12, show us your current hunting, or fishing license and get a free round of trap on us! Guns and ammo provided. October 11 - Trap Range Open to the Public October - 13-15 Women’s Mentored Bow Hunt (event is full, with waitlist) October 21 - 8:00am to 6:00 pm- Hunter Education Class October 25 - Trap Range Open to the Public October 28 - Trap Range Open to the Public Call 870 218 4387 for details and registration information.
Read MoreSeptember Events at the Fred Berry Crooked Creek Conservation Center