
Crooked Creek

David Ezell, Crooked Creek Many things can come to mind when we think of invasive species. It can happen in plant life or animal life.
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House News

Subcommittee discusses Concealed Carry Study This week, the Arkansas Legislative Council Game and Fish/State Police Subcommittee held a meeting to discuss concealed carry laws in Arkansas. This meeting was part of a series of meetings held as part of the Arkansas Firearms and Concealed Carry Laws Study.
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Changes for Flippin City Offices

FLIPPIN - City Hall and Water Department has Moved to 203 N 1st Street (old Farmers & Merchants Bank). We are excited to announce that City Hall and Water Department has moved to our new home! After many years of being housed with our Police Department and Fire Department, we have outgrown that facility.
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Gov. Sanders Announces Summer EBT Program to Fight Food Insecurity

Alexa Henning, Governor’s Office LITTLE ROCK — Governor Sanders today announced that Arkansas has joined Summer Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT), a new program that will aid families to purchase food during the summer months for children who qualify for the National School Lunch Program (NSLP). Summer EBT is launching this year and will provide $120 in food benefits for each eligible child over the summer months.
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Graham for District 7

Hello, Marion County! My name is Phyllis Graham, and I am a Republican seeking your vote for Marion County JP District 7. I have lived in Rea Valley for 8 years after moving here from Blytheville, and I love where I live.
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Donors’ Plasma Fuels Innovation for Cancer Therapies

The first bottle of a reagent that can be used in life-saving cancer therapy developed by Our Blood Institute has been distributed by OBI LittleRock ─ Our Blood Institute is excited to announce a groundbreaking milestone. For the past two years OBI has been developing a method that would allow blood donated by our dedicated donors to make reagents used for life-saving cancer therapies.
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