
Marion County Police Beat April 7 – 14, 2024

Pagni, Andrew Thomas Arrested: 4/11/2024 9:40:00 PM Charges: Domestic Battery 3rd degree, Endangering Welfare of a Minor/3rd Degree, Failure to Pay Bond: $2,220.00, $590.00 Dillard, Michelle L Arrested: 4/11/2024 3:09:00 PM Charges: Theft of Public Benefits Greater than $2, Possession Drug Para Felony, Possession of Meth or Cocaine Purpose to Deliver GT 10GM But LT 200GM Bond: $0.00, $0.00, $10,000.00 Kerley, Jacob Wayne Arrested: 4/11/2024 3:00:00 PM Charges: Probation Violation Bond: $0.00 Authement, Caitlin Marie Arrested: 4/9/2024 5:22:00 PM Charges: Probation Violation Dollarhide, Shane Kieth Arrested: 4/9/2024 3:17:00 AM Charges: Failure To Appear Misdemeanor Bond: $960.00 Baez, Ricardo Enrique Arrested: 4/12/2024 6:11:00 PM Released: 4/13/2024 4:10:000 PM Charges: Failure To Appear Misdemeanor St Cin, Bryan Keith Arrested: 4/13/2024 10:35:00 PM Released: 4/13/2024 11:34:00 PM Charges: Endangering the Welfare or a Minor-3rd, Domestic Battery 3rd Degree .
Read MoreMarion County Police Beat April 7 – 14, 2024


Many seniors could be receiving food assistance. If you live in Marion County, come to the Yellville Area Food Closet from 8:30 a.m.-noon on Thursdays and check your eligibility.

Military Service Sisters meeting

The North Central Arkansas Military Service Sisters will be holding its April luncheon on Friday, April 26, 2024, at 12 Noon. Location will be Jamie’s Restaurant, 1502 HWY 62 E., Mountain Home. Any woman who served in any branch of the military or reserves is invited to attend.
Read MoreMilitary Service Sisters meeting

Brigham announced the budget committee will meet on the fourth Thursday of each month

Brigham announced the budget committee will meet on the fourth Thursday of each month. The next meeting is scheduled for 5 p.m. inside the Marion County Court Complex Building. Also, the quorum court decided that Justice Hutching cannot represent Marion County in Little Rock and John Reed will fill-in. The next MCQC meet is scheduled to meet May 14, in the MC Courthouse at 6 p.m.
Read MoreBrigham announced the budget committee will meet on the fourth Thursday of each month

Sr. Goblin Rosson Invitational

Boys 100 Meter Dash 6 Coda Lemon 10 Lead Hill High School 14 Noah Cantrall 10 Yellville-Summit High School 16 Adam Stewart 12 Yellville-Summit High School 17 Izaak Szitar 12 Marshall High School 19 Carson Beavers 10 Norfork High School 20 Will Morris 10 Cotter High School 22 Damien Kite 11 Marshall High School 24 Eli Gerth 10 Yellville-Summit High School 25 Corbin Stover 10 Norfork High School 26 Cole Principato 10 Cotter High School 28 Clayton Grifin 10 Flippin High School 30 Kannon Wright 10 Flippin High School 31 Travis Rogers 10 Flippin High School 33 Dallas Methvin 12 Cotter High School 35 Kyler Rand 10 Norfork High School Boys 200 Meter Dash 4 Kolby Hurst 11 Flippin High School 6 Coda Lemon 10 Lead Hill High School 12 Kyler Rand 10 Norfork High School 14 Kendell Hickerson 10 Yellville-Summit High School 15 Carson Beavers 10 Norfork High School 17 Adam Stewart 12 Yellville-Summit High School 18 Will Morris 10 Cotter High School 21 Denver Layton 11 Yellville-Summit High School 22 Cole Principato 10 Cotter High School 25 Clayton Grifin 10 Flippin High School 27 Jermiah Beckwith 10 Marshall High School Boys 400 Meter Dash 2 Coda Lemon 10 Lead Hill High School 5 Rafe Heap 12 Yellville-Summit High School 7 Caleb Hartle 11 Yellville-Summit High School 11 Rene Rascon 10 Flippin High School 12 Noah Cantrall 10 Yellville-Summit High School 13 Jermiah Beckwith 10 Marshall High School 20 Skyler McClelland 10 Norfork High School Boys 800 Meter Run 2 William Rasico 11 Flippin High School 4 Rafe Heap 12 Yellville-Summit High School 6 Rene Rascon 10 Flippin High School 10 Copper Swearingen 12 Yellville-Summit High School 11 Dallas Methvin 12 Cotter High School 12 Tristan Smith 10 Flippin High School 15 John Paul Longoria 12 Yellville-Summit High School Boys 1600 Meter Run 13 Braydon Sumpter 10 Flippin High School 14 Copper Swearingen 12 Yellville-Summit High School 17 Sebestian Phillips 10 Yellville-Summit High School 18 John Paul Longoria 12 Yellville-Summit High School 19 Tristan Smith 10 Flippin High School Boys 3200 Meter Run 8 Eden Hardy 10 Yellville-Summit High School 9 Braydon Sumpter 10 Flippin High School 11 Damien Kite 11 Marshall High School 12 Hurricane Leppe 10 Yellville-Summit High School Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 6 Kyloh Koksma 11 Yellville-Summit High School 7 Noah Shaw 10 Norfork High School 11 Bradon McCalla 12 Yellville-Summit High School Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 8 Kyloh Koksma 11 Yellville-Summit High School 12 Ben Ply 11 Yellville-Summit High School 14 Bradon McCalla 12 Yellville-Summit High School Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 4 Yellville-Summit High School 7 Norfork High School Boys 4x200 Meter Relay 5 Yellville-Summit High School 6 Marshall High School 8 Norfork High School Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 5 Yellville-Summit High School 8 Flippin High School Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 4 Yellville-Summit High School Boys High Jump 1 Kolby Hurst 11 Flippin High School 7 Corbin Stover 10 Norfork High School 9 Noah Cantrall 10 Yellville-Summit High School 9 Caleb Hartle 11 Yellville-Summit High School 13 Ben Ply 11 Yellville-Summit High School 13 William Rasico 11 Flippin High School 13 Braydon Sumpter 10 Flippin High School Boys Long Jump 6 Kolby Hurst 11 Flippin High School 7 Noah Morris 10 Harrison High School 7 Adam Stewart 12 Yellville-Summit High School 13 Tate Kelley 11 Marshall High School 14 Izaak Szitar 12 Marshall High School 15 Noah Cantrall 10 Yellville-Summit High School 18 Will Morris 10 Cotter High School Boys Triple Jump 5 Kolby Hurst 11 Flippin High School 7 Tate Kelley 11 Marshall High School 12 Rafe Heap 12 Yellville-Summit High School 14 Kyloh Koksma 11 Yellville-Summit High School 15 Noah Cantrall 10 Yellville-Summit High School 16 Cortland Wilson 10 Bergman High School 17 Corbin Stover 10 Norfork High School 18 Braydon Sumpter 10 Flippin High School 19 William Rasico 11 Flippin High School 20 Trenton Welch 10 Norfork High School 21 Kyler Rand 10 Norfork High School Boys Pole Vault 8 Eden Hardy 10 Yellville-Summit High School 10 Trenton Welch 10 Norfork High School Boys Discus 3 Brooks Cheek 12 Cotter High School 4 Toby Campbell 11 Marshall High School 7 Carey Martin 11 Yellville-Summit High School 9 Ryland Lunde 10 Yellville-Summit High School 11 Ransom Gibson 10 Norfork High School 13 Luke Switzer 11 Marshall High School Boys Shot Put 3 Toby Campbell 11 Marshall High School 4 Brooks Cheek 12 Cotter High School 7 Carey Martin 11 Yellville-Summit High School 11 Luke Switzer 11 Marshall High School 13 Ethan McCalla 10 Yellville-Summit High School 15 Bryston Armer 11 Lead Hill High School Girls 100 Meter Dash 11 Abby Methvin 12 Yellville-Summit High School 15 Kilye Hensley 10 Marshall High School 17 Izzie Harness 10 Marshall High School 19 Macy Davis 11 Ozark Mountain 21 Kyndall Bray 10 Lead Hill High School 22 Ellesandra Lee 11 Cotter High School 23 Kadye Hensley 10 Marshall High School 25 Emma Richard 11 Norfork High School 28 Marlee Shields 11 Norfork High School 29 Morgan Breger 10 Lead Hill High School 30 Kaelyn Brewer 10 Flippin High School 31 Talaena Crabb 10 Flippin High School 32 Chesney LaPointe 10 Yellville-Summit High School 33 Khloey Rogers 12 Yellville-Summit High School Girls 200 Meter Dash 1 KJ-Keirstin Moore 12 Yellville-Summit High School 12 Izzie Harness 10 Marshall High School 13 Hannah Hayward 11 Yellville-Summit High School 16 Emma Richard 11 Norfork High School 18 Talaena Crabb 10 Flippin High School Girls 400 Meter Dash 1 KJ-Keirstin Moore 12 Yellville-Summit High School 2 Bailey Ervin 11 Yellville-Summit High School 5 Riley Hopson 10 Yellville-Summit High School 6 Kilye Hensley 10 Marshall High School 7 Izzie Harness 10 Marshall High School 9 Grace Jackson 10 Flippin High School 11 Emily Shelton 10 Flippin High School 14 Marlee Shields 11 Norfork High School 15 Kyndall Ross 10 Flippin High School 16 Emma Richard 11 Norfork High School 17 Morgan Breger 10 Lead Hill High School 18 Jazmine Roulain 11 Ozark Mountain Girls 800 Meter Run 1 Riley Hopson 10 Yellville-Summit High School 2 Alyssa Shelton 11 Flippin High School 4 Kilye Hensley 10 Marshall High School .
Read MoreSr. Goblin Rosson Invitational