
Legislative Update

As July rolls around, so does National Parks and Recreation Month, a time to recognize the importance of parks and recreation in establishing and maintaining the well-being of communities. We invite you to celebrate this month by visiting one of Arkansas’s 52 state parks.
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OEM Observes PTSD Awareness Month

This month marks the 10th anniversary of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Awareness Month, a time dedicated to raising awareness and educating others about this often-overlooked psychiatric condition. And while roughly six percent of the American population will be diagnosed with this mental health illness in their lifetime (National Center for PTSD), no other group has been more affected by PTSD than the military community.
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Crooked Creek

By now most likely the first cutting of hay is baled and in the barn. Hopefully enough hay was made to get through the winter.
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Fishin’ with Otters

I hate to be laughed at! But I know a bunch of you folks out there are going to laugh at this… In southern Bangladesh there are native people who live along the rivers that feed the ocean, who train otters and use them to fish in those tributaries. Those otters are bred in captivity and trained to herd fish into the nets of village fishermen.
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DAVA to meet in MH

The Disabled American Veterans Auxiliary, Twin Lakes Unit 30 will be meeting on Wednesday, July 17, 2024. The location will be the Heinz-Willett Wellness Center at Good Samaritan Campus, 300 Good Samaritan Drive, Mountain Home.
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