
BSCC Meets Twice to beat the Holidays

Bull Shoals City Council met in a special meeting Tuesday, December 21, before the regularly scheduled workshop. The purpose of the meeting was to approve a water purchase contract supplement with Marion County Regional Water District. MCRWD was established in 1980 for the purpose of providing treated water to the cities of Bull Shoals, Flippin, Summit and Yellville for distribution to their customers. It is a non-profit governmental entity that provides wholesale water to the cities. The supplement was passed unanimously.
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BRMC Announces New General Surgery Clinic, opens Jan. 3

Mountain Home- Baxter Regional Health System is pleased to announce the addition of the new Baxter Regional General Surgery Clinic to the Baxter Regional family of clinics. The clinic, located adjacent to Baxter Regional Bone & Joint Clinic at 639 Broadmoor Circle in Mountain Home, Arkansas, will open Monday, January 3, 2022, and is already accepting appointments.
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Public Service Announcement

There are reports of people going door to door, claiming to be with the Secretary of State’s office, asking for personal information to verify voter registration. These individuals are not with the Secretary of State’s office, and we urge you not to give them any information and to report them to local authorities..
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Women in the Wild

By Heather Pitman, Fred Berry Crooked Creek Nature Center Manager The second session of our AGFC Women in the Wild, “From Hesitant to Hunting” class… Login to continue reading Login…

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