
Twin Lakes DAV Chapter 30

The September Meeting of the Twin Lakes Disabled American Veterans Chapter 30, Mountain Home will be held on Monday, September 16, 2024, at 2:30 p.m. The NEW LOCATION of the meeting for this month only is Alley White American Legion post 52, located at 717 market street Mountain Home, Arkansas.
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Jones Arrested

Sheriff Gregg Alexander reports that RICKIE JONES, 51 YOA, of Lead Hill, was arrested and charged with single counts of Residential Burglary, Theft of Property, First Degree Criminal Mischief, and Commercial Burglary regarding an August 2023 incident in Peel.
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Dove Feathers

Before you read this, the dove season will have opened. Dove hunting is fairly easy, and it isn’t high on my list of things to do, but I will do it anyway, because I am a grizzled old veteran outdoor writer, and that kind of thing is expected of me. I know you hear young inexperienced outdoor writers talk about how hard doves are to hit, but not for me. I got to where I can sneak up on a bunch of them and get four or five before they fly with only one or two shells.
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MCSO seeks to be Accredited

Marion County Sheriff Gregg Alexander announced that his department has started the process of becoming an accredited law enforcement agency. Sheriff Alexander stated the department is participating in the Arkansas Law Enforcement Accreditation Program (ALEAP) to attain Tier II accreditation offered through the Arkansas Association of Chiefs of Police (AACP).
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