
Almost 40% lie about being vaccinated

With restrictions regarding COVID-19 constantly changing, adults, vaccinated or not, have considered lying about their vaccination status. In fact, 38% of adults said they’d consider lying about their COVID-19 vaccination status in order to work, travel, or avoid conflict according to a recent study by Even celebrities do it.
Read MoreAlmost 40% lie about being vaccinated


The world’s longest-lived family, (9 siblings, collective age 851) ate this soup every day of their lives. Now it’s your family’s turn: ½ cup dry garbanzo beans ½ cup dry white beans ½ cup dry pinto or red beans 1.5 cups 1-2” cubed potatoes ½ cup of pearl barley (not quick cook) Aprrox 4 cups of water or veg stock if you like it richer.

Cooking with Mumzy!

Hello friends and readers of the paper. I hope this week finds everyone in happiness and good health. As always life is busy and sometimes, I find myself going at a faster pace than I would like but as I tell my children this is what it is when you enter adult world. I remember about 15 years ago I went to my mom’s house and said, “I am tired of being an adult, wife, parent, I want to come back home, I just need a break”. My mom’s response was, “sweetheart you can’t just come back home you have a home of your own, with your family and sometimes you just have to take a day of and have some me time. It will all be better when you clear your head and get refreshed”. Well, it was good advice, and I took it and went back home and continued as I had for 14 years. What I would give to have one more good conversation with her, I still find myself needing her advice. As always Remember the Little Things, they are precious in our lives.
Read MoreCooking with Mumzy!

“We come together, knowing life is a precious gift worth protecting.”

Washington, DC – …. As Americans across the nation gather again to stand for life, Congressman Steve Womack (AR-3) today joined in their call of protecting the sanctity of life. He is committed to defending the unborn and has continually acted in Congress to support important pro-life legislation and prohibit taxpayer dollars from funding abortion.
Read More“We come together, knowing life is a precious gift worth protecting.”

AG Rutledge Sends Letter to OSHA Demanding the Agency Withdraw COVID Vaccine Mandate

Little Rock– Attorney General Rutledge today joined a coalition of 27 attorneys general in a letter to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) asking the agency to withdraw its COVID-19 vaccine mandate for large employers. The letter follows a 6-3 decision by the U.S. Supreme Court last week blocking the Biden Administration’s OSHA vaccine mandate in response to a legal challenge brought by Attorney General Rutledge and other state attorneys general in addition to trade groups, nonprofits, and private businesses. Despite the Supreme Court’s ruling, OSHA has not withdrawn the emergency temporary standard (ETS), which would require vaccination for tens of millions of employees across the country.
Read MoreAG Rutledge Sends Letter to OSHA Demanding the Agency Withdraw COVID Vaccine Mandate

Local Young Artist Wins Awards in the State Patriotic Art Contest

Recently, Miss Sidney Wire awarded the 3rd place in the 21-22 State Young American Creative Patriotic Art Contest held by the Veterans of Foreign Wars Auxiliary. Sidney Wire, age 17, received cash award for her work titled, “In God We Trust.” The 16” x 20” artwork is created with prismacolored pencil of a still life by observation. She is sponsored by the Hovel-Barnett VFW Post 1341 in Bull Shoals. Sidney is the daughter of Mr. Chris Wire and Ms. Melody Wire of Flippin and studies art at Flippin High School under the instruction of Mrs. Cheryl Blasdel. The state award was presented to Miss Wire by Mr. Charles Bailey, 20-21 President of the VFW Post 1341 Auxiliary, and Mrs. Sherry Bushre, chairmen of the VFW Post 1341 Patriotic Arts Contest.
Read MoreLocal Young Artist Wins Awards in the State Patriotic Art Contest