
Strawberries … The Flavor of Spring
The urge to get your “garden on” has begun to creep into every gardener’s blood. It is still cold, but we still want to start planting. So, let me think, “What can I plant in February in Arkansas?” Why not try your hand at Strawberries?
Read MoreStrawberries … The Flavor of SpringThe Bully who wants to be King
It’s ever so much easier to tear things down than to restore or create anew. At this moment, we have a president, shadow president Elon and cabinet who want to take apart our government without doing the work of discretion. It is easy for Elon to fire departments whose researchers are fighting measles outbreaks in Texas, bird flu, or Ebola outbreaks in Africa. Or firing the managers of our nuclear arsenal. Oops, better get those folks back. He and DOGE are sloppy and seem intent on chaos and disruption.This isn’t what I voted for.
Read MoreThe Bully who wants to be KingMarion County Regional Airport Board Meeting Scheduled
Mr. John Dyess, President of the Marion County Regional Airport Board would like to announce the Marion County Regional Airport Board Meeting has been scheduled at the Marion County Airport in Flippin on Monday, March 17, at 6 p.m.
Read MoreMarion County Regional Airport Board Meeting ScheduledYellville-Summit School District Preschool and Kindergarten Registration
Submitted by Ashley Woodell, MSE, Professional School Counselor It’s time to register all new students going into Preschool and Kindergarten for the upcoming 20252026 school year! Registration will be held on April 3, from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. in the basement of Yellville-Summit School District’s Central Office.
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By Ed StClair, Pastor, Yellville Methodist Church
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MC Committee meetings
The Marion County the Personnel Committee will meet on Thursday, February 27, 2025. The meeting will begin at 5:30 p.m.
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Agricultural producers looking to expand their operations through value-added products are encouraged to apply for a Value-Added Producer Grant (VAPG). Applications will be accepted through April 17.
Read MoreValue-Added Producer Grants for farmers and ag producersCotter Public Schools Board of Education Meeting
The following members of the Board were in attendance for the meeting: Allen Franks, Luke Walker, Jimmy Morgan, Cameron Ross, and Russel Duggins on February 17, at 7 p.m. Administrators and other guests were also in attendance.
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