Many seniors could be receiving food assistance. If you live in Marion County, come to the Yellville Area Food Closet from 8:30a.m.noon on Thursdays and check your eligibility.
Is open Wednesdays and Friday from 9 – 11 a.m. We are open ever Saturday 9– 10 a.m. to distribute the food we get from the Feeding America program… usually fresh produce. We are located at 1013 Lakeshore in Bull Shoals.
THERAPY AND LIVING IS LOOKING TO HIRE C.N.A.’S AND NURSES. $2000 sign on bonus for full- time! New wage scale and shift differential pay offered for C.N.A.’S.
By Robert Lyons A group of citizens wanting to improve the Bull Shoals-Lakeview presented the idea of creating a flag for the City of Bull Shoals. The flag is expected to “Unify” the city.
The North Central Arkansas Military Service Sisters will be holding its August luncheon on Friday, August 30, 2024, at 12 Noon. The location will be Little B’s, on the corner of Bomber Blvd.
Mark your calendars now! The Mountain Home Moose Lodge #1953 has scheduled its popular 16th annual GermanFest for Saturday, October 19. The menu will once again include sauerbraten, bratwurst, hot German potato salad, red cabbage, sauerkraut, hot pretzel with apple strudel for dessert.
God does not always answer my prayers; at least that’s what we think sometime. How do I know if God hears my prayers? Isaiah 65:24 KJV; And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear.