
Harrison Colony Chapter, NSDAR

Harrison Colony Chapter, NSDAR (National Society of Daughters of the American Revolution), held their final spring meeting on Saturday, May 21. Refreshments were served by Regent Sandra Hillier and Regent-elect Janice Duffy. Guests were welcomed, and the Sunshine Report was given.
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Orphans and World Traveler at HAH

Have-A-Heart Oh, my goodness! This week, in the canine category, we have a couple of real cuties! Allow us to introduce Pete and RePete, two adorable brothers found as strays (believed to have been dumped) on MC 4044. Two very kind women picked them up and reached out to Have-a-Heart (HAH) for assistance.
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Important Health Information on Parenting

Here is some good information on how to be a good parent. These are just some suggestions for you, after all no one knows your child and what works as a family better than you do. One thing is knowing how important it is for mother and father to be present in a child’s life. Take care of yourself as a parent. It also promotes intellectual curiosity, motivation, and desire to achieve.
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