
More Fireworks Festival photos

Just a sample of the Fireworks that were displayed by the Flippin Fire Department for everyone to enjoy on Sunday night, July 3. PHOTO BY PEGGY MASON The Flippin Hippie bear makes an appearance to see Shotgun Divorce, Tyler Braden and the huge fireworks display for the 35th year in a row at Hickey Park in Flippin on Sunday, July 3.
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On the road again…

Summer vacation in my family usually just meant not going to school and days free to spend in adventure and fun. I only recall two “real” vacations my family ever took and one of those was to attend a convention for Ohio National Life Insurance, the company my dad and Grandfather both worked for. That convention was held at The Greenbrier in White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia, and it was before my family moved back to Flippin when I was five years old.
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Kids Series Books

What parent does not remember Amelia Bedelia, The Berenstain Bears and Curious George? Bull Shoals Library has many of these children’s books. Originally written by Peggy Parish, Amelia Bedelia picture books are part of the I Can Read Book series to help young people learn to read.
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FHS discusses Handbook and Policy changes

On Monday, June 27, at 7 p.m., the Flippin School Board met in the old cafeteria to discuss new hires, student transfers and changes to the handbook and district policies. Curt Bryant, Roger Leonard, Brent Mitchell and Brian Benedict were in attendance while Stacie Goldsmith was absent. Superintendent, Kelvin was in attendance along with Principals, Tracie Luttrell, Gregg Yarbrough and Dale Horn.
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