
Poetry Corner

The patron arrived and was seated In the choicest restaurant This place was said to have The finest and best soups That anyone could ever want The waiter came and took his order For the soup of his choosing Which happened to be his favorite Of all the other soups This one he considered cuisine The restaurant had all the luxuries Everything was appealing to the eyes From the floor to ceiling windows To the lavish tables and chairs Even the waiters wore jackets and ties Finally, his soup had arrived But he found it to be a disgrace What he found in his bowl Was very unexpected Something extra to ruin the taste Everyone could hear him As he called for his waiter once more So he could explain to him About this terrible mistake And what he must implore Please excuse me waiter But there is a slug in my soup. Could you please re-check my order I specifically asked for chicken noodle But this looks like a bowl of goop The waiter left and then rushed back With a weird look on his face You are correct sir he said There is a slug in your soup It was put there by mistake You see there was a mix up From the chef in the kitchen He is new, just started today We are terribly sorry and assure you That this won’t happen again The soup you have belongs to Mr.
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Documentary Filming in Marion County about Local Deceased Sci-Fi Writer and Artist

Wood County, Wisconsin – A documentary film project about deceased Summit resident Richard Shaver is looking for interview subjects in Marion County. Wisconsin-based filmmaker and historian Dean Bertram is visiting Marion County later this month, to film a documentary which looks at the life and work of science fiction author and artist Richard Shaver.
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God does not always answer my prayers; at least that’s what we think sometime. How do I know if God hears my prayers? Isaiah 65:24 KJV; And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear.