

Is summer here early? Officially, the start was just last week on the June 21. However, it seems that the hot dry days started earlier this year than what we are used to. What does this have to do with conservation you ask? Are your pastures and livestock prepared for the heat and dry weather?
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Marion County Youth Spotlight

Yellville High School student, Lucas Gibson, has been shooting competitive trap actively since March 2021. Having been involved in family target shooting from a young age, Lucas has proven a natural skill to hold his own against fierce competitors. Gibson has demonstrated poise, perseverance, and professionalism within the sport and has been recognized by veteran shooters throughout the state.
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Rutledge Announces 11th Annual Never Forgotten Training

Little Rock – Arkansas Attorney General Leslie Rutledge announced she will be hosting the 11th Annual Never Forgotten – Arkansas Takes Action event on Thursday, July 21, 2022, at the Benton Event Center. Rutledge’s event consists of an all-day training session for law enforcement and attorneys, a family session, as well as a luncheon to recognize Arkansas’s missing.
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Evatt achieves certification

Harrison: North Arkansas Partnership for Health Education (NAPHE) is very pleased to announce that Kyle Evatt MPA, has become a Certified Prevention Specialist (CPS) in May 2022. By achieving this certification, Kyle is trained to effectively deliver youth substance misuse prevention programs and messages to schools, workplaces, faith-based organizations, and other community groups or programs across the Baxter, Boone, Marion, Newton, and Searcy County region.
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