
Social trust . . .

Every four years, the National Intelligence Council provides a forecast of the world for the next 20 years. In March 2021, they released the latest National Intelligence Forecast. As we could have predicted, the next 20 years looks turbulent. It appears we are living in the best of times, and we need to enjoy our way of life while we can. The future of the world will hinge on whether we allow technology and social media to unite us or divide us. So far as a society we are failing in the area of unification. The freedom that the internet allows has spurred some to create division and hate. And I don’t think many of us want to know the evils going on behind the scenes or underground on the World Wide Web.
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State Capitol Week in Review

Little Rock – Two interest groups submitted petitions to the Secretary of State seeking to have two proposed constitutional amendments placed on the November general election ballot. One would legalize marijuana and the other would remove Pope County as a possible site for a gambling casino.
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Breaking Ground to Honor Veterans

It’s been more than 30 years since the United States and coalition forces helped liberate Kuwait from the Iraqi invasion. Now, the men and women who served in uniform during Operations Desert Storm and Desert Shield will soon be recognized with a national memorial honoring their selfless service and sacrifice.
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Sen Sheng, MD, PhD, Joins WRMC

Fayetteville — Sen Sheng, MD, PhD, recently joined the Washington Regional J.B. Hunt Transport Services Neuroscience Institute, where he provides acute care for hospitalized patients with stroke, seizures and other neurologic issues, including patients who require acute electroencephalogram (EEG) monitoring for diagnosis and treatment.
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