
BSCC discusses full agenda

Bull Shoals City Council met in regular session Thursday, August 25, at 6:30 p.m. All council members were present, as well as Mayor David Nixon, Recorder Tina Bailey, Police Chief John Ainsworth, Fire Chief Brent Mitchell, and Planning and Zoning Chairman Bonnie Sumner. There was standing room only as the Council moved through the agenda.
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(Not so) Fast Cars and Rock and Roll

Like a lot of people, I can pretty much track significant periods of my life through the music I listened to at the time. Music has always been a passion and I’ve always been one of those weirdos who likes some of just about any genre of music, with the possible exception of really heavy metal. Music has always had an uplifting effect on me.
Read More(Not so) Fast Cars and Rock and Roll

AGFC, AEDC offer more than $808,000 for education grants from wildlife fines

Little Rock – More than $808,000 is available for Arkansas schools and educators for conservation education grants in 2022-23, thanks to fine money derived from wildlife and fishing violations and a partnership between the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission and the Arkansas Economic Development Commission’s Division of Rural Services.
Read MoreAGFC, AEDC offer more than $808,000 for education grants from wildlife fines

Bipartisan Crypto Legislation Authored by Ag Committee Leaders Continues to Build Momentum

Washington – U.S. Senator John Boozman (R-AR), ranking member of the U.S. Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry, and Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) Commissioners Christy Goldsmith Romero and Summer Mersinger got a firsthand look at the Blockchain Center of Excellence at the University of Arkansas today while discussing a path forward to bring more consumer protection to the crypto industry.
Read MoreBipartisan Crypto Legislation Authored by Ag Committee Leaders Continues to Build Momentum