

Due to sufficient precipitation, John Massey, Marion County Judge, has lifted the burn ban in Marion County effective Tuesday, October 25, 2022. .

Cooking with Mumzy!

Hello all, I hope this week finds you all in good health and happy spirits. I hope everyone had a wonderful Halloween. This year was different for us, we really didn’t do anything. My boys are too big, and my grandbabies did their own thing with their parents. Halloween just isn’t the same as it used to be, but nothing is.
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MCQC considers legislation

The Marion County Quorum Court met Tuesday, October 11 in the Marion County Courthouse to discuss 16 proposed ordinances, hear reports from elected officials and committees. Justices Brady Madden, Claudia Brigham, Mike Scrima, Wesley Shipman, Rick White, Joyce McCalla, James Underwood and Marty Nickels were in attendance. Justice Talon Vancuren and Judge John Massey were absent from the meeting.
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First 9 Weeks Honor Roll

At Yellville-Summit Elementary would like to congratulate students from the elementary school that have achieved the highest grades in the school. The first semester is sometimes the hardest because students are coming back to school after being out of school for the Summer after going through the “Summer Slide”.
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Fall Tips for Yards and Gardens

It is that time of year when we think we are done with our garden or possibly the dreaded leaves and what do I do with them problem arises. Leaves will be discussed in a later article, so this article will be more of a general discussion of yard and garden work that can be done in the fall.
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American Legion Minutes

The American Legion Post #61 of Yellville held the monthly meeting October 13, 2022. Meeting was called to order at 1800 hours by Dustin Beals, Commander Opening pray was given by Teddy Beaudin, Chaplain.
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Brigham for JP District 8

Justice Of The Peace District 8 Conservative Republican Experienced Problem Solver Putting Tax Payers First Claudia Brigham Works For You! I am a fourth generation Marion County resident who has served as a Republican Marion County Justice of the Peace (JP) of District 8 for the past six years. It has not always been easy. Hard decisions have had to be made, and some were not popular, but I am proud to say that the county is in better financial shape now than it was when I was first elected. This is due to the hard work of a great team of JP’s.
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