FAYETTEVILLE — Reintroduction of deep-rooting native grasses like Big Bluestem and Indiangrass, along with biochar soil amendments and planting more trees in cattle pastures, are part of a proposed strategy to store more carbon in American grasslands. NATIVE GRASSES — Reintroduction of native grasses like Big Bluestem and Indiangrass in areas where tall fescue has been grown for cattle forage will be part of a study on carbon sequestration with the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture, funded by the U.S.
LITTLE ROCK — Deer is on the move in The Natural State. That means hunters and motorists in Arkansas should keep a watchful eye out, particularly at dawn and dusk.
The Marion County Library Closed due to the library flooding. After assessing the damage Monday, November 14, an announcement was made to close the library for repairs.
Following what was a calm Bull Shoals City Council meeting on October 27, the November 7 City Council workshop was another story. Councilmen David McBee and Chuck Kinler were absent, with all other members present along with Mayor David Nixon and Recorder Tina Bailey.
The Marion County Quorum Court, MCQC, met Tuesday, November 8, to discuss reports, ordinances and personnel. Justices Wesley Shipman, Claudia Brigham, Brady Madden, Rick White, James Underwood, Talon Vancuren, Marty Nickels, and Mike Scrima were in attendance, along with John Massey, county judge. Joyce McCalla was absent for medical reasons.
We at NAPHE in Harrison are offering a free Narcan and Stop the Stigma training on December 1, at the JPH Conference Center at North Arkansas College in Harrison. Those who register and attend either of the two sessions at this event will receive free doses of Naloxone/Narcan nasal spray.
MOUNTAIN HOME - The North Central Arkansas Military Service Sisters will be holding their November luncheon on Friday, November 18, 2022, at 12 Noon. THIS IS ONE WEEK EARLIER BECAUSE OF THE THANKSGIVING HOLIDAY AND BLACK FRIDAY.
Beginning Monday, November 14-21, it is time to Pack A Shoebox for National Collection Week. Get your shoebox packed full and drop-off at local locations to help children in need to have a Christmas.
Small, local businesses have struggled for more than a year as COVID has changed the economy. The holidays are a great time to drive home the idea that shopping local is important to your community. Our Shop Local for the Holidays sections has ideas for ways consumers can spend their money locally this year, from patronizing retailers to restaurants to local artists.