
Bow, Rifle or Both

I want to apologize to readers of this column for not having the publication, “The Truth About the Missouri Department of Conservation” mailed out yet. We are very, very close, so please be patient. If your name is not on the list to get that free publication, you need to call my office and being line to receive one. They have to be mailed out this month because postage increases after December, and we don’t want the additional expense. At this time the cost of 5000 publications is nearly six thousand dollars.
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Lake County Press Lake County Breaking News

Test Post

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Lucian King WWII Veteran Gone but not Forgotten

Lucian R. King was born April 22, 1925, in Kingdon Springs, Arkansas. Lucian spoke of the days growing up there as a child and into his young adult years. Lucian had six sisters and two brothers, which both brothers were drafted into the military during war times. Lucian decided that he would rather choose his branch of service instead of being drafted and enlisted in the Army Air Corp on July 16, 1943, which would later become the Army Air Force.
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Shop Local for Small Business Saturday

WASHINGTON––U.S. Senator John Boozman (R-AR) released the following statement promoting Small Business Saturday on November 26: “Small businesses are the backbone of our economy and the lifeblood of our communities. They employ our family members, friends and neighbors while also giving back and supporting initiatives that enhance our quality of life and strengthen our shared identity. This Saturday and throughout the holiday season, I encourage Arkansans to patronize the local retailers and service industries in their community and throughout our state. They deserve our support and business for the quality and commitment they demonstrate every day.”
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