Muzzle-loader Hunters
You have to be smart to hunt with a muzzle- loader! If you aren’t giving some thought to what you are doing and you nonchalantly ram a bullet down the barrel before you pour the powder in, you have a problem. The powder absolutely has to go in first! Hunting with a ‘smoke-pole’ causes you to think more and be more careful about the placement of one shot. One of my problems as a deer hunter is patience. I get tired of waiting; sitting in one spot up against a tree, with always one or two small rocks beneath me which do not seem to be a problem when I sit down, but become more of a problem the longer I wait. And though I know that all good things come to those who sit and wait, including deer, I once heard of a guy who had a limb fall on him while he sat and waited! I sort of like getting up and sneaking along, seeing new country thinking maybe a deer somewhere might be waiting on me.
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