
VFW prepares Holiday Food Baskets

Past Commanders, Claude Paddock and Chuck Kinler arrived at Allen’s Grocery in Summit on a frosty November morning to pick up the groceries for 50 food baskets that we distribute to those in need. VFW Post 1341, of Bull Shoals has been working hand in hand with Allen’s Grocery for the past 5 years spreading joy at Thanksgiving. Many thanks to Tony and the gang for helping us make this happen. Thanksgiving is truly the time to share and give thanks.
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What Is Life For Anyway?

Ephesians 5:15-21 J.B. Phillips NT Live life, then, with a due sense of responsibility, not as men who do not know the meaning and purpose of life but as those who do. Make the best use of your time, despite all the difficulties of these days. Don’t be vague but firmly grasp what you know to be the will of God. Don’t get your stimulus from wine (for there is always the danger of excessive drinking), but let the Spirit stimulate your souls. Express your joy in singing among yourselves psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, making music in your hearts for the ears of God! Thank God at all times for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. And “fit in with” each other, because of your common reverence for Christ.
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The Benefits of Being Thankful

Counting your blessings may have a surprising upside! The key is learning how to cultivate gratitude. Discover how a regular practice of gratitude may lead to health benefits. Seeds of gratitude can be nurtured. Gratitude is a sense of wonder, appreciation, or thankfulness.
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Thanksgiving Day

Ah Thanksgiving, a wonderful time Of family coming together Enjoying each other’s company Despite any bad weather Spending time with each other And setting aside lifes worries Grabbing some of the football game Hoping for a few snow flurries Just being together And having everyone near While the kids all have fun Enjoying laughter and cheer This is the reason for the day With all the joy it brings Old and new memories to share and giving thanks for all things Everyone knows to stop on by Whenever they get the chance There aren’t any expectations And just so you know in advance Mom’s been cooking pies all week Getting ready for the big dinner No need to worry though They’re always a big winner How about those candied yams and her sweet potato pies The famous loved cranberry sauce Don’t forget that fruit salad surprise Everyone looks forward to the big turkey and the dressing on the side Gotta have that special gravy It makes the potatoes just right Made fresh from scratch Those golden-brown hot rolls And of course everyone’s favorite Homemade green bean casserole Too much food to list No need to mention the rest Let us all just say It’s always some of the best But there is more to this day Than mere food and drink It’s the coming together as a family That really makes us all think It’s that magical time Of going back home again Seeing loved ones we haven’t seen Since we can’t remember when A time for sharing stories And old family memories And making new ones as we go Becoming our hearts new Treasuries While the expression of gratitude Is at the heart of this very day Being thankful for everyone That God has put in our way There is a reason for it all And someday we will understand He has a purpose for the call Almost as if it were planned So, as we all come together On this Thanksgiving Day Caring and loving one another And as we’re sitting down to pray Let us also be thankful For the freedom we all share It has been fought and defended for T
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Update from OEM

On November 4 & 5, Marion County received over 12 inches of heavy rainfall across the county. This heavy rainfall caused additional flooding in areas that were impacted and damaged by flooding on July 17, 2024. Marion County has been working with ARDOT engineers to assess the additional damages incurred with a main priority being the assessment of Moccasin Creek bridge on MC 8060. Marion County’s commitment to provide a safe way of travel along this roadway has been at the top of the priority list for all parties involved in our community.
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