WASHINGTON - A few weeks ago, I wrote in my weekly newsletter about the passage of H.J. Res 30 and expressed my commitment to protecting the retirement savings of workers, retirees, and their families.
LITTLE ROCK - Arkansas’s leadership in expanding successful apprenticeship programs was recognized at the 2023 Apprenticeships: Closing the Skills Gap Grantee Convening, March 14-16, in Washington, D.C. hosted by the U.S. Department of Labor (U.S. DOL).
BULL SHOALS - The Bull Shoals City Council held the monthly workshop on Tuesday, March 21, at 6:30 p.m. with all Councilmen present along with Mayor Mike Savu and Recorder Tina Bailey.
Arkansans rely on access to physicians and health care professionals to provide life-saving and preventative care close to home. Rural states like ours face an acute need for medical providers.
Harrison - Mr. Jeffrey Johnson, was sentenced to two years’ probation, a two-year ban from Buffalo National River, $600.00 in fines, $80.00 in processing fees, and ordered to pay $2,686.27 in restitution.
LITTLE ROCK - The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission today heard the first reading of a proposal to shift the first segment of the 2023-24 duck season from the current season structure to one that opens the weekend before Thanksgiving.
For many in eastern Arkansas, lost mail or lengthy delivery delays have become frustratingly persistent problems. I routinely hear from folks throughout the First District, and have experienced personally, these failures; they all stem from a systemic issue at the Memphis United States Postal Service (USPS) sorting facility.
House members will now be taking an extended recess. When the House reconvenes on March 27, members will be addressing public safety legislation, constitutional amendments, and the budget.