
Action in Bull Shoals

Bull Shoals City Council met in regular session Thursday, April 27, with all council members in attendance, as well as Mayor Mike Savu and Recorder Tina Bailey. The mayor called the meeting to order and cautioned all in attendance to refrain from speaking over each other during the meeting. After the body recited the Pledge of Allegiance and the roll call was conducted, the Council quickly moved through approval of the March meeting minutes.
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Rock Bass

By Larry Dablemont Rock bass are to Ozark flowing streams what crappie are to reservoirs. Creel census figures show that they make up the largest percentage of fish caught, and fish kept by stream fishermen in the Ozarks. Missouri fisheries people once kept track of the fish coming out of the Big Piney, Current, Niangua, Huzzah, and Courtois, and they figured goggleeye made up 25 to 35 percent of the fish caught and kept. It is likely they overlooked the green sunfish caught when they did that survey.
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Message from MC Sheriff

We have had another busy week at the Marion County Sheriff’s Department. We are working on developing systems and procedures for inmate medical care. As our current medical provider for the inmates has resigned, we are seeking to find a new medical provider. This is no small task and a very expensive endeavor.
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Crooked Creek

Healthy soil supports sustainable and productive agriculture. Two key factors that affect soil health are compaction and runoff, which can be caused or exacerbated by certain agricultural practices, such as tillage and overgrazing.
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Growing Up Flippin

To kick off the second year of “Growing Up Flippin,” I want to share another memory that my dad, Lyle Wood, wrote about in the 1998 edition of the Mountaineer. You may recall that he also used to share his memories of growing up in Flippin (of course, several decades before me).
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Bull Shoals VFW weeks events Bull Shoals Hoevel-Barnett VFW Post 1341, 1206 Central Blvd., for more information call 870-4454501. Guest always welcome. May 5 Walleye Fish Fry in VFW Hall 4-6 p.m. $14 per person.