
HB’s Homestyle Cooking

Welcome back to my kitchen y’all. I sure hope everyone is having a great week! Since the weather has been so pretty and nice most of this last week, I figured we needed to have a potluck/grill season recipe. We’ve been spending more and more time outside and with the daylight lasting longer we have been grilling more throughout the week. So, this week’s recipe is Heather’s Smoked Cheesy Taters. This is a huge hit at any family get together or potluck we take it to and there is never enough. I usually triple this recipe for large get togethers and it never goes to waste.
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Growing Up Flippin

To kick off the second year of “Growing Up Flippin,” I want to share another memory that my dad, Lyle Wood, wrote about in the 1998 edition of the Mountaineer. You may recall that he also used to share his memories of growing up in Flippin (of course, several decades before me).
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The Lowe Down

In the coming weeks, high school seniors across the country will don caps and gowns and proudly walk across a stage to receive a diploma in the culmination of a 13-year goal that has taken the support of many people along the way in order to achieve it. Seniors, your family has been with you every step of the way and I hope you thank them.
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Bull Shoals VFW weeks events Bull Shoals Hoevel-Barnett VFW Post 1341, 1206 Central Blvd., for more information call 870-4454501. Guest always welcome. May 5 Walleye Fish Fry in VFW Hall 4-6 p.m. $14 per person.

Action in Bull Shoals

Bull Shoals City Council met in regular session Thursday, April 27, with all council members in attendance, as well as Mayor Mike Savu and Recorder Tina Bailey. The mayor called the meeting to order and cautioned all in attendance to refrain from speaking over each other during the meeting. After the body recited the Pledge of Allegiance and the roll call was conducted, the Council quickly moved through approval of the March meeting minutes.
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