

When we see the first bit of green finally break through the earth or bud form on a tree outside our window, we know spring has indeed sprung. That’s when many of us start to think of our pollinator friends and what we can do to help them as our plants begin to grow and bloom.

Tempers and Temperatures Rise in Bull Shoals

by Cindy Wood Young Tempers flared during the first of two meetings of the Bull Shoals City Council last week. On June 27, a special meeting was called by three councilmen, Wes Phelan, Daryl Lindman, and Dino Giannini with the sole agenda item being consideration of an ordinance to return the “Citizen Comments” portion of each Council meeting to the end of each meeting.
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State of the MC Sheriff’s Office

Saturday, July 1, is the six-month mark since taking office as your Sheriff here at the Marion County Sheriff’s Office (MSCO). The time has certainly gone by quickly as each day seems to bring new challenges or new opportunities for learning. As an update, here are some highlights of what we have been working on: We are still in the process of solidifying a 2023 budget. There are many challenges from the cost of everything going up (as you well know), to maintaining a facility of this nature, as well as providing for the medical and daily needs of inmates. We have been digging into the details of these expenses and implementing processes and procedures to keep those costs down as much as possible.
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Little Rock– The Arkansas Hunger Relief Alliance is pleased to host USDAFNS Administrator Cindy Long on Thursday, July 13. Administrator Long›s visit to Arkansas aims to show support for the USDA-FNS Summer Food Service Program, which was enhanced by the passage of the Consolidated Appropriations Act (also referred to as the omnibus spending bill). During her visit, she will observe a newly authorized rural non-congregate summer meal site at Searcy School District and SNAP Employment & Training (SNAP E&T) programs at Our House in Little Rock.
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Weekend Weather

Friday-Partly cloudy with a high near 85 degrees and a low of 66 decrees with a slight chance of rain. Saturday- Partly cloudy with a high of 88 degrees and a low near 68 degrees.
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