
MC Budget Committee meets

by Robert Lyons Thursday, June 1, the Marion County Budget Committee met to discuss potential ordinances to be sent to the Marion County Quorum Court Meeting on Tuesday, June 13. Marty Nickels chaired the meeting in the absence of Joyce McCalla, committee chairperson.
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The Yellville-Summit High School Athletic Department is hosting the a Two-Man Scramble benefit golf tournament at Diamond Hills Country Club. The Tournament is scheduled for June 10, with check-in at 8:00 a.m.

First District

One of my biggest priorities as the Chairman of the Highways and Transit Subcommittee is to relieve supply chain bottlenecks that continue to plague our economy. The high prices and slow economic growth that consumers and businesses already face is made worse due to continued supply chain problems.
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Yellville Food Closet

We are excited to tell everyone about our free summer lunch program. Yellville Food Closet will be providing free meals to all school children at the fellowship hall of Church on the Rock in Yellville.
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HB’s Homestyle Cooking

Welcome back to the kitchen y’all. I am so excited about this weekend and celebrating Memorial Day with my family and friends. The ultimate choice of what to cook for the big Memorial Day lunch/dinner is truly a tough decision; do we go with tradition and grill burgers and hotdogs, or do we switch things up with some steak, chicken, and pork kebobs?! I think we will switch things up and do kebobs this year. One of my semi-local grocery stores had whole pork loins on sale for right at $20 each and split chicken breasts for .97 cents a lb.! I call that a great deal and since we normally feed an army, we won’t be breaking the bank to do it ha-ha. So here is the recipe I will be using to make these kebobs, but feel free to add different veggies, or different kinds of meat if you aren’t a fan of something.
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