
Saturday Storm Damage

Storms raced across Marion County Saturday and pictured here is a fallen tree snapping power lines. The power lines lay across Hwy. 14 North of Sailor Hollow Terrace. Entergy was enroute to restore power and clear the scene.
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Right to Repair

Colorado’s first-in-the-nation law allowing farmers to repair their own equipment could be “the first chink in the armor” that has allowed only manufacturers to complete some repairs, said Rusty Rumley, senior staff attorney for the National Agricultural Law Center. Rusty Rumley comments on Colorado’s right-to-repair law.
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“Ossifragus”, New to the Ozarks

Along the Ozark streams, a favorite place of mine nowadays, as it gets hot and muggy, there comes the cry of a strange type of crow, a kind of caw that sounds like the black rascal is choking on something or trying to gargle. When I take people down the river who aren’t familiar with the ‘fish crow’ they are puzzled by the call.
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When we see the first bit of green finally break through the earth or bud form on a tree outside our window, we know spring has indeed sprung. That’s when many of us start to think of our pollinator friends and what we can do to help them as our plants begin to grow and bloom.

Tempers and Temperatures Rise in Bull Shoals

by Cindy Wood Young Tempers flared during the first of two meetings of the Bull Shoals City Council last week. On June 27, a special meeting was called by three councilmen, Wes Phelan, Daryl Lindman, and Dino Giannini with the sole agenda item being consideration of an ordinance to return the “Citizen Comments” portion of each Council meeting to the end of each meeting.
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