
Veteran of the Week

Dustin Beals, USMC Dustin Beals served 4-years in the United States Marine Corp and is the Post #61 American Legion Commander in Yellville. Dustin has served as a Marion County Deputy and is currently serving on the Flippin City Police Department.
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Kick-Off Event

The Community Outreach is sponsoring a Pet Food Donation Drive in honor of Coco’s Party Wednesday, August 2. The Pet Food Drive will collect donations and distribute products to the local pet shelters.
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This Week at the MCSO

Gregg Alexander, Marion County Sheriff Deputies responded to forty-four calls for service that included four domestic disturbances, five property checks, one felony arrest and three misdemeanor arrests. Deputies completed twenty-six incident reports and investigated four motor vehicle crashes. A deputy completed week ten of twelve weeks of the basic police academy at the Arkansas Law Enforcement Training Academy in East Camden.
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