
2023 Phillips Farm

The family enjoys a life that includes celebrating each other with birthday parties and supporting one another. Terry and Regina are enjoying watching the children succeed and grandchildren grow up in Arkansas.
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IRT Training Delivers Vet Care

This week we would like to recognize and thank the members of the Innovative Readiness Training (IRT) mission. The United States Department of Defense, in partnership with the Delta Regional Authority, brought no cost medical services to the Twin Lakes area with the IRT.
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The Fisher Artist, Hurls his lure, To current’s edge, With ease, “Fish On”! He Utters, Neath is Breath, Wile in his Heart, He’s deeply pleased, Rod fully bent, Line fully strained, Little by little, He plays the gain, With net swishing downward, One swift swing of the arm, He gathers his prey, But inflicting no harm, Drinking in the moment, He gently turns it out, Releasing with pleasure, A White River Trout.

A Slick, Slimy, Seldom-Seen, Salamander

by Larry Dablemont We had a good meeting at Buffalo, Mo on Sunday to kick off our “Common Sense Conservationist” membership drive. We had representatives from Owensville, Ellington, Farmington, Conway, Marshfield-Niangua and Cabool attending. I will be going to each of those communities to hold future meetings in the quest to establish C.S.C. memberships all across Missouri. If you want to be a member, contact me. I will put more information on my website, www.larrydablemontoutdoors.
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