
Aerial Duck Count Still Falls Short of Long-Term Average: Geese Estimate Tops 600,000

The 2024 December count of 153,423 mallards in the Arkansas Delta region was almost double the total from the same time last year but was still well below the 2009-2024 December long-term average in estimates made from the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission’s December Aerial Survey, conducted Dec. 9-13.
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Derwood Brett

Derwood Brett, 76, Mount Ida, June 16. Brett got his start in the advertising department at the Minden Press Herald while studying journalism at Louisiana Tech University.
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Craig Woodall

Sidney Craig Woodall, 86, Malvern, May 22. Woodall started as a carrier for the Malvern Daily Record at age 11. At age 15 he worked for Malvern Amusement Company as a projectionist, and later served as assistant manager for the Ritz Theater, the Joy Theater and Malvern Drivein Theater, and the Sunset Drive-in Theater in Hot Springs. Around 1956 he returned to the Malvern Daily Record, working in circulation for a short time, after which he was promoted to advertising manager, a position he held for 23 years. He left the Daily Record to become advertising coordinator for Gibson’s Discount/ Kirchoff Stores, Inc. He then worked as an assistant manager at Davis Lumber Company for 17 years, until his retirement in 2002.
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MCSO Receives ALEAP Accreditation

Marion County Sheriff Gregg Alexander reports that he was notified on December 20, 2024, that the Marion County Sheriff’s Department has been recognized as an accredited law enforcement agency after recently completing a review conducted by a staff member from the Arkansas Association of Chiefs of Police (AACP) Alexander stated the department recently earned Tier II (Basic Accreditation) status.
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