
Crooked Creek

Fall is in the air. Do you plant part of your property specifically for wildlife? We plant food plots for attracting wildlife for viewing and other benefits, but do we only plant these for our benefit? What benefits does wildlife get from these plots? These food plots can offer many benefits and not just to the wildlife we see.
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MC Police Beat August 29September 4

Jackson, Donald Wilson - Arrested: 9/4/2023 12:21:00 a.m.; Charges: Reckless driving, Following too close, Defective or no headlights Bond: $350.00, $130.00 O’neal, David - Arrested: 9/3/2023 2:15:00 a.m.; Charges: Charges pending Dye, Kailey - Arrested: 9/3/2023 2:07:00 p.m. ; Charges: Charges pending Timms, Rickie Jefferson - Arrested: 9/2/2023 5:27:00 p.m.; Charges: charges Pending Powell, Lisa - Arrested: 9/3/2023 7:06:00 p.m.; Released: 9/3/2023 8:19:00 p.m.; Charges: Hot check violation Sorrels, Roy Edward - Arrested: 10/7/2022 3:33:00 p.m.; Released: 9/2/2023 10:59:00 a.m.; Charges: Failure to appear Felony Tilger, Dwight Jeol - Arrested: 9/2/2023 4:37:00 p.m.; Released: 9/3/2023 10:28:00 a.m.; Charges: Public Intoxication-Drinking in public
Read MoreMC Police Beat August 29September 4