
Tomato Troubles

by Melinda Myers Extreme heat, drought, torrential rains, and hungry critters may be wreaking havoc on your garden. After weeding, watering, and waiting you may be finding less, diseased, or misshapen tomatoes. Do not give up. Make a few adjustments in garden maintenance to boost the current and future tomato harvests.
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Extension Corner

There are several winter annuals to choose from and depending on your operation one may work better than the other in your forage plan. Wheat has been used for years and is generally the lowest seed cost of winter annuals.
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MCSO Arrests a suspect in Everton

On August 13, 2023, at approximately 3:19 PM, Marion County Sheriff’s deputies were dispatched to 333 MC 4039 in the Everton Community, regarding a report of a male threatening a family member with a firearm. On arrival at 333 MC 4039, deputies met with the father of the suspect (JOSHUA SMITHEE, W/M, DOB:12/15/1971) and attempted to convince him to exit the residence and talk about the incident.
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