
The Big Sell

The big game’s a’comin’ and every year there’s a lot of talk about the commercials. Normally commercials are a thing I avoid. During a commercial break, I usually take a stroll or engage in light banter. I might fix a snack or even, on occasion, check the laundry.
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The good old days on an endless loop

OK, look. I have never watched “Billions,” “Game of Thrones” or “Dancing with the Stars.” Or read one word of “Harry Potter” or “The Hunger Games.” I don’t speak DC or Marvel. I think I saw “Iron Man” once. I have tapered off the “Seinfeld” reruns, just as with “M*A*S*H” and “Gilligan’s Island” before it. The ‘90s are over, and good riddance.
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Cooking with Mumzy!

Good day everyone, I hope this week’s recipes find you all in good health and happiness. For my family, we have been doing okay, I have had Covid so Robert, myself and my family have all been quarantined together for the past week and a half. Not complaining just wish that since I have to be off work, it were different circumstances so we could enjoy doing something. But at least we are all in pretty good health and we are together. I am still sane not sure how but I am. LOL. I am going to be honest it has been crazy around here with all the different symptoms that each one of us have. We have some that are the same and then each one of us have different ones. We have all continued to do little things around the house while we continue to work writing articles as we can, probably this newspaper is what has kept me together. This Covid thing is really crazy, and I will never say I understand it, but I am thankful that I am surviving it. I hope you all enjoy these recipes as much as I have enjoyed preparing them for my family and very much enjoy sharing them with all of you. As always, Remember the Little Things in Life they are very important.
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The Awesome Little Library

Have you visited the Marion County Library lately? We are Tiny but Mighty! We have so many in-house and virtual programs to keep the littles, tweens, teens, and adults entertained. We host Bite into Books once a month in the library.
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The glass-eyed battler of early spring

I never caught a walleye when I was young because the Big Piney, where I grew up, didn’t have any. That seems strange to me now because so many Ozark streams have plenty of those glass-eyed fish also known in parts of the Ozarks as Jack Salmon. Just out of college I went to Arkansas to become an outdoor writer for the Arkansas Democrat newspaper, and in there was a lot of talk about the big walleye tournament that began each February and went on through much of April at Greer’s Ferry Lake. Except it wasn’t so much the lake they were fishing, it was tributaries to it, like the Little Red River.
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Have you thought about the benefits of fire, or do you think fire is always a bad thing that destroys property? Prescribed fire, also known as a controlled burn, refers to the controlled application of fire by a team of fire experts under specified weather conditions that help restore health to fire-adapted environments. Prescribed Fire is a very beneficial tool that we can use to our advantage as property owners.
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Joint statement on the proposed Calico Rock prison expansion

On Thursday, Feb 10th, Governor Hutchinson announced support of an expansion of 498 beds to the Calico Rock North Central unit as a response to the backup of state sentenced Arkansans being housed in county jails across the state. The project is slated to cost between $60 and $100 million and is made possible by the state’s billion-dollar surplus pending approval from the legislature.
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