
Pets of the Week
This cute sweetie pie in his Halloween costume is Lionel! He is a Shepherd/Lab mix and very intelligent. Lionel is around seven months old and so well-behaved that he has even traveled with our volunteers and other dogs to many Fall events this month.
Read MorePets of the WeekYou Got to Have Faith
What do you have Faith in and why? One more question do you have Faith for the future? You got to have Faith, so how do I get me some, here is how. Romans 10:17 So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.
Read MoreYou Got to Have FaithFOMCL Announces Fall Book Sale
FOMCL, Friends of the Marion County Library, would like to announce it will be having its fall book sale on November 8 and 9. For those not familiar with our organization, our mission is to provide support for the Marion County Library and its resources, organize volunteers and raise funds.
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In preparation for the Flippin School Veterans Day program, on November 11, submissions for the “Gallery of Honor” are now being accepted. The Gallery of Honor is open to all students, staff and community members to submit copies of photos along with an information sheet, of any loved one or friend that they would like to honor.
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Next Generation Concert Coming to Ozark Folk Center State Park
The Next Generation Concert returns to the Ozark Folk Center during Bean Festival and Championship Outhouse races in Mountain View on Saturday, October 26. The concert is a fundraiser sponsored by the Committee of One Hundred to raise funds for the Music Roots Program for youth in the Mountain View area. Music Roots provides free music lessons and loaned instruments for homeschool and public-school students beginning in 4th grade.
Read MoreNext Generation Concert Coming to Ozark Folk Center State ParkPoetry Corner
Leaves have begun to fall You notice them one by one Effortlessly they fly all around Downward they bound In a fanciful fun It seems Autumn has begun They glide with such Splendor Majesty and Grace Making their way to the ground Never making a sound To find a new resting place Their new home they embrace Without hands Gliding along their way On sightless wings they go Back and forth they blow Letting the world know Making descent as they play Fall is well underway The only sound they make Wind Rustling their stems They fly through the air Without whimper or care Glistening like shiny gems Enjoying their new freedoms Scattered on the ground Many colors as can be A final resting place Having finished their race They lay at rest finally free From the tall noble of a tree The tree now stands empty Casting leafless Shadows about Now resting over the ground They no longer give sound Where once they gave shout The leaves will be missed no doubt Once tree and leaves were in league Now nothing do they share Where leaves once flew violent The tree now stands silent Back to sleep for another year A new season comes with cheer .
Read MorePoetry CornerOzark Mountain Bluesman at BSTA
Submitted by Chris Ketterman Our band this week is Ozark Mountain Bluesmen, let’s give you some information on them: Ozark Mountain Bluesmen have been playing locally and across the state of Arkansas for the past few years. Most recently, they played at the 2024 Red, White and Blue Festival on the campus of ASU Mountain Home. All the members currently reside in or around the Mountain Home area, except for their part-time keyboardist, who hails from Springfield, Missouri.
Read MoreOzark Mountain Bluesman at BSTADATE SET FOR 2024 MOOSE LODGE GERMANFEST
Mark your calendars now! The Mountain Home Moose Lodge #1953 has scheduled its popular 16th annual GermanFest for Saturday, October 19. The menu will once again include sauerbraten, bratwurst, hot German potato salad, red cabbage, sauerkraut, hot pretzel with apple strudel for dessert.
FOMCL, Friends of the Marion County Library, would like to announce it will be having its fall book sale on November 8 and 9. For those not familiar with our organization, our mission is to provide support for the Marion County Library and its resources, organize volunteers and raise funds.
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