

Christmas is now behind us for another year. But what you may not know is that a few days before Christmas, Have-A-Heart Pet Shelter, HAH, was called on by the Marion County Sheriff’s Department to assist with an animal rescue in rural Marion County. Volunteers quickly knew this was going to be the largest rescue HAH has ever dealt with.
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Cooking with Mumzy!

Hello everyone, I hope you had a wonderful Merry Christmas and I hope everyone has a wonderful New Years. At our house the holidays were very nice and much needed time off. I hope everyone is doing good in health and in spirit. We are all doing well.
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Pets of the Week

Hi there! I guess you do not know me yet, but my name is George Weasley and for about five months I’ve been living here at Have-A-Heart Pet Shelter in Yellville. I came here at the end of July when some nice canoers found me, my brother (Fred), and three older kittens from another litter who had all been abandoned under a bridge.
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Cooking with Mumzy!

Hello everyone, I hope this week finds you all healthy and happy. I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas and you get to spend a lot of time with your loved ones. I hope everyone remember the Reason for the Season and not materials things.
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Twas the Night Before Christmas

I hope you all take the time to read this poem to your children, grandchildren, or just for yourself. It is one of my families favorites. Peggy Mason Clement Clark Moore was born in New York City in 1779 and, long before his death 84 years later, established a reputation as a scholar.
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