
The Polar Express

On Christmas Eve, many years ago, I lay quietly in my bed. I did not rustle the sheets. I breathed slowly and silently. I was listening for a sound – a sound a friend had told me I’d never hear- the ringing bells of Santa’s sleigh.
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Pets of the Week

This week we want to write about the importance of teaching your children how to be a good pet owner. We were so happy to see the number of families at our booth at Christmas on the Square last week.
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Happy Birthday Fifth Tevin

Born on December seven, Sent from God in Heaven, My Precious Grandson, Tevin, You are my sunshine, My brightest sunshine, You make me Happy, Each and every day, I hope you know dear, How much “I Love You,” Even when you’re far away.
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Pets and the Holidays at HAH

With the holiday season quickly approaching, the Have-A-Heart Pet Shelter, HAH, will hold its largest annual fundraiser, the 8th Annual Soup and Chili Supper, Saturday, November 23. From 5 to 8 p.m., ticket holders can avail themselves of tasty homemade soups and chili (with crackers or cornbread), beverages, and a small dessert...all for a small donation of $8.
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