
Pets of the Week

by Have-A-Heart Pet Shelter We had another busy week at Have A Heart Pet Shelter, holding the first Low Cost Spay/Neuter Clinic of 2023. Across three days, 120 animals were sterilized including 50 dogs and 70 cats.
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Pasta Palooza

St. Andrew’s Catholic Church in Yellville is going to have “Pasta Palooza!” next Friday, February 17 from 4 to 7 p.m.
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Valentine’s Day Mailboxes

Another Valentine’s Day has come and gone (or will have by the time this is in print) and, like most holidays (especially since I started writing Growing Up Flippin almost ten months ago), it caused me to reminisce about those holidays in my youth.
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Snow Days

I don’t know about the rest of you, but I was very happy to see the sunshine and warm temperatures this weekend. Snow is pretty, in small doses.
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