
No Board Meeting

The Marion County Airport Board, MCAB, currently has no plans to hold a board meeting during the month of April. The MCAB plans to keep the public aware of future meetings as the meetings are announced.
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Veteran of the Week

By Friends of Veterans Air Force veteran Everette Long was born in Evansville Indiana in 1955 and was raised there. After he graduated high school, he joined the Air Force in 1973 and made a career out of it and retired in 1996.
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Checkers and Gi-Gi look like Spring Have-A-Heart Pet Shelter Checkers is a young, female rat terrier mix that was brought to the Shelter last week with three other dogs that were found dumped outside of Flippin. These dogs were found under the bridge at the Crooked Creek walk-in access.

Yes, It Was The Mountain Echo

YES, it was the Mountain Echo, Solitary, clear, profound, Answering to the shouting Cuckoo, Giving to her sound for sound! Unsolicited reply To a babbling wanderer sent; Like her ordinary cry, Like--but oh, how different! Hears not also mortal Life? Hear not we, unthinking Creatures! Slaves of folly, love, or strife-Voices of two different natures? Have not ‘we’ too? --yes, we have Answers, and we know not whence; Echoes from beyond the grave, Recognized intelligence! Such rebounds our inward ear Catches sometimes from afar-Listen, ponder, hold them dear; For of God, --of God they are. .
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