
Pets of the Week

Have-A-Heart Pet Shelter Pippi (Longstocking) is a beautiful adult black cat, estimated to be three to four years old. She was rescued late last year as part of a hoarding rescue where HAH rescued 35 terriers and five cats.
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HB’s Homestyle Cooking

Hey Y’all, Welcome back to the kitchen! As always, I hope everyone is having a great week and doing well. I know for us it seems summer is starting to wind down as the kiddos are getting ready to go back to school next month. But I am thankful that I still have a beautiful garden that’s giving me an abundance of fresh produce. I also need to step up my game and get to canning some pickles, pickled veggies, some veggie soup, salsa, crushed tomatoes, and marinara.
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Hospice Pet Calendar

by Hospice of the Ozarks 2023 PPOM Calendar winners for the month of March, Morgan & Magruder, want to make sure you do not forget to submit your photos for the 2024 Pet Peace of Mind Calendar! Our contest for the 2024 Pet Peace of Mind calendar is happening July 1 - 31. Send in your adorable pet photos via email to, include your name, phone number & pet’s name.
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Hospice Pet Calendar

2023 PPOM Calendar winners for the month of March, Morgan & Magruder, want to make sure you do not forget to submit your photos for the 2024 Pet Peace of Mind Calendar! Our contest for the 2024 Pet Peace of Mind calendar is happening July 1 - 31. Send in your adorable pet photos via email to, include your name, phone number & pet’s name.
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Happy Birthday Grandma #3 Donna Kaye Benton Treat

“Certain People are a Joy to Know” People who know how to brighten a day with heartwarming smiles and kind words they say, People who know how to gently impart the comfort it takes to cheer somebody’s heart, People who know how to willing share, who know how to give and know how to care… Who know how to let all their warm feelings show, are people that others are lucky to know. There’s so much about you that’s nice to recall… You are a wonderful person, and that isn’t all… You make other happy with the kind things you do, And I am blessed to know someone special like you.
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Pets of the Week

Have-A-Heart Pet Shelter Animal shelters everywhere are full to overflowing and, unfortunately, Have-AHeart is in the same predicament. Our waiting list for surrenders, sadly, is very long.
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Hamlet at Twin Lakes Playhouse

MOUNTAIN HOME - Twin Lakes Playhouse presents its third production of the season with an abridged version of William Shakespeare’s “Hamlet.” Opening last Friday night, June 2, Hamlet is often referred to as the greatest play ever written and it has it all: suspense, intrigue, romance, dark comedy, a haunting, and, at its core, a breathtakingly poignant exploration of grief and the human heart.
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