

The women of Mountain Home Moose Lodge will hold a roast beef dinner fundraiser this Friday, August 11 from 4:30 to 6:00 p.m. The menu includes scrumptious roast beef, mashed potatoes and gravy, veggie, roll, dessert and a beverage.
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Pets of the Week

We miss you Mary Have-A-Heart Pet Shelter Greetings everyone from Have A Heart Pet Shelter! Last week we completed another successful Low Cost Spay and Neuter Clinic, with approximately 120 sterilization surgeries performed. This clinic was in memory of Mary Vavruska, who was an avid supporter of the Shelter and who passed away several weeks ago.
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The Spider and the Mud Dauber

I see lots of things outdoors that are hard to believe, but what I saw this past week is one of the weirdest things ever. It was outdoors just outside my workshop-fishinghunting- book storage and pool table room up here in the wilderness where I live at.
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BACK TO SCHOOL: How to prepare for back-to-school routines

Billie Collins, County Extension Agent As families head into the final weeks of summer vacation, parents can help ease the transition into the school year by getting children back into their routines ahead of time. For parents whose children are starting at a new school, it is also important to listen to their concerns and take advantage of school district opportunities to meet teachers or walk through class schedules.
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Steve & Judy Hobbs anniversary

This is the 50th wedding anniversary announcement for Steve & Judy Hobbs. Steve Hobbs and Judy Methvin were married August 4, 1973, in Yellville. The couple will celebrate their 50th anniversary from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. Sunday, August 6, at the Eros Community Building. All friends and family are invited to attend the open house to honor this special couple.
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New Pet at the Shelter

Pets of the Week This cute fella was found wandering around lost in the parking lot of the local Harp’s store, all by himself in this big ol’ world! A friend of the Shelter picked up the friendly little boy and brought him to us. Pauley is a gorgeous brown tabby, and we estimate his date of birth to be around March 25, making him around four months old.
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Steve & Judy Hobbs anniversary

This is the 50th wedding anniversary announcement for Steve & Judy Hobbs. Steve Hobbs and Judy Methvin were married August 4, 1973, in Yellville. The couple will celebrate their 50th anniversary from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. Sunday, August 6, at the Eros Community Building. All friends and family are invited to attend the open house to honor this special couple.
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